People passionate about nature

Denise Levesque

Service Award Recipient 2010

In every organization, there are some people who are just THERE. There when help is needed. There when something needs to be organized. There when a trip needs to be led. There when a venue is needed for a meeting. There when an encouraging word is needed and morale needs to be boosted. The Nature Manitoba Service Award is designed to recognize such people.

According to the terms of reference for the award, they are to be presented to recipients who shall be judged to have made significant contributions to the Society in areas outside of natural history such as: long and faithful service; exceptional organization or leadership skills; and leading, teaching or assisting with Society-sponsored indoor and outdoor events.

This accurately describes this year’s recipient, Denise Levesque. She discovered the MNS as a result of a trip to Mantario in 1995. She joined the organization immediately after and has been there in an active capacity ever since. She did a brief stint on the Board, but the primary focus of her involvement has been the outdoor activities of Nature Manitoba, serving for many years on the Mantario Committee, the Outdoor Program Committee, and the Grey Hares.

Grey Hares did I say? Wasn’t she a few decades too young for that? Denise proved that age has nothing to do with being a Grey Hare; it is all a state of mind. And with Denise in their midst, the Grey Hares had more of a spring in their step. When they needed a place to meet to plan the season, Denise was there with the common room of her condo. Denise was also there to help organize trip leader potlucks, Mantario gatherings, and photography workshops.

Denise has also led hiking trips, cycling trips, and cross-country ski outings. She represents Nature Manitoba as a volunteer with the Envirothon.

Without people like Denise, there would be no Nature Manitoba. It has been my privilege over the years to witness her generosity first-hand and to count myself among her many friends. On behalf of Nature Manitoba I am pleased to present the Service Award to Denise Levesque.