People passionate about nature

Past Discovery Evenings

Manitoba’s Endangered Bats


Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Dr. Craig Willis

Like other wildlife, Manitoba’s bats face familiar threats like habitat loss but in the last 15 to 20 years, two new impacts have emerged causing devastating declines. The invasive fungal disease, white-nose syndrome, has killed millions of hibernating bats in its spread across North America and we have lost ~80% of the once-common little brown bat in Manitoba.

Wild Pigs a Manitoba Threat


Tuesday, November 12, 2024


Dr. Wayne Lees

Wild pigs are defined as any pig outside of a fence, but the main type of wild pig that causes problems is the Eurasian wild boar.  This hardy invasive species is a major threat to environmental health, animal health and human safety.  They can alter ecosystems through their destructive feeding behaviours, they can act as carriers for many animal diseases including foreign animal diseases , and

A Natural Legacy: What's New at Living Prairie


Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Marika Olynyk and Josh Pearlman

Living Prairie Museum is a unique urban nature preserve that protects endangered tall grass prairie.  Join us to learn more about caring for this beautiful and unique site, and about conserving Winnipeg’s prairie legacy. We'll discuss caring for the prairie, including the challenges of a dynamic and rare ecosystem facing many threats.

Classifying underwater pictures of beluga whales for research and monitoring (and how you can help)!


Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Dr. Stephen Petersen

Beluga Bits is a long-term community science project that is run by Assiniboine Park Zoo. It takes underwater imagery of beluga whales in the Churchill Estuary and gets people from around the world to help classify those images. The resulting data can and is being used for student research projects, wildlife monitoring, and conservation.

Hidden Gems of Manitoba - sold out!


Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Christine Chilton

Along with community partners like Nature Manitoba, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is proud to protect many unique places across southern Manitoba. From prairie to wetlands to forest, these special areas are home to an amazing diversity of plants, animals, and ecosystems, and many are accessible for nature-loving visitors.

Ice adapted marine mammals in a melting Arctic


Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Dr. Colin Garroway

The Arctic is warming four times faster than the global average, thus we expect to see the earliest and most significant effects of climate change in Arctic ecosystems. The increase in spatial extent and duration of the Arctic Ocean's ice-free season is of particular concern. All credible emission scenarios predict that Arctic summers will be ice-free by the mid-20th century.

Developing sustainable co-culture of wild rice and fish farming with indigenous communities


Monday, February 6, 2023


Vince Palace, Head Research Scientist (IISD – Experimental Lakes Area) and Aquatic Toxicologist

IISD-ELA is undertaking a multi-year research project that will study changes to water quality and fish and aquatic ecosystem health associated with co-culture of fish and wild rice.

Foxy Food Webs at the Arctic’s Edge


Monday, January 16, 2023


Jim Roth, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba

Population cycles of Arctic foxes and lemmings illustrate the strong link between predators and their prey, and dramatically impact many other tundra species. Yet changing snow and ice conditions, and the simultaneous encroachment of southern species onto the tundra, may substantially alter these species interactions.
