People passionate about nature

Garden Tour 2022

Thank you to all who attended our 2022 Gardens of Distinction Garden Tour and Plant Sale! It was a great success! We would also like to thank all of our talented gardeners as well as our many dedicated volunteers who made this event happen. See you in 2023!

We are pleased to announce that the 2022 Gardens of Distinction fundraising event will take place on Saturday, July 9th! Please join us for a great day of visiting the yards of talented gardeners, along with a plant sale and refreshments at the Seven Oaks House Museum (Please note: masks must be worn if entering the museum). 

This is Nature Manitoba's major annual fundraising event, and we appreciate your support! Thanks to our volunteers and gardeners who make this event possible. 

The self-guided tour features 10 gardens in the North Main/East Kildonan areas, which you can visit at your own pace and in any order you choose. To reduce the ecological footprint, we recommend car-pooling or biking if you are able.   

Tickets are only $15!

Tickets are no longer available online or through our office. But you can still get tickets at one of our wonderful retail locations (listed below) until July 7th. You can also purchase tickets the day of the tour (July 9) starting at 9am at Seven Oaks House Museum (50 Mac St). 

Please note: If you purchased a ticket for our 2021 tour (which was cancelled due to COVID-19) you may further support Nature Manitoba by purchasing a new ticket for this year's tour, or you may take your 2021 ticket to the Seven Oaks House Museum (50 Mac St.) on the day of the tour and trade it in for a 2022 at no charge. 

Retail Ticket Locations:

Lacoste Garden Centre
Schriemer’s Flower & Garden
Shelmerdine Garden Centre
Jensen’s Nursery & Garden Centre
Jardins St.-Léon Gardens
The Preferred Perch
St Mary’s Nursery & Garden Centre Ltd.
Feasey Chiropractic and Wellness Centre