A PDF copy of this information is available here: Nature Manitoba Native Habitat Grant Information
The Nature Manitoba Native Habitat Grant has been established to provide funds for projects and activities in Manitoba which support the conservation, restoration and/or management of native habitat, or education on the value of native habitat.
The Native Habitat Grant is supported with funds from the Paul Guyot Endowment Fund for Habitat. This fund was established in 1990 to support Nature Manitoba’s ongoing efforts to preserve, conserve and manage native tall grass prairie habitat in Manitoba, through its Habitat Conservation Committee.
Nature Manitoba has dedicated over 100 years to promoting appreciation and understanding of nature, and to providing opportunities to connect with nature and enjoy it in a non-intrusive and non-destructive manner. Nature Manitoba also promotes ecological integrity as the basis for stewardship of our parks and natural areas.
Through the efforts of its Habitat Conservation Committee, Nature Manitoba has been instrumental in the inventory of remaining tall grass prairie habitat in Manitoba, the creation of the Paul Guyot Endowment Fund for Habitat, and the establishment of the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve in southeastern Manitoba, in co-operation with a number of government and NGO partners. Nature Manitoba is a founding member of the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve Management Committee.
Each year, Nature Manitoba intends to award one or more Native Habitat Grants of up to $3000 each towards projects or activities that support on-going preservation, conservation and management of native habitat in Manitoba. Applications are due on January 31st of each year, with the grant awarded by the end of March in that year.
Projects or activities that qualify for funding under the Native Habitat Grant include:
- research on native habitat and/or native species, including fieldwork;
- purchase/leasing of all or partially native habitat lands for the purpose of conservation of habitat and native species;
- management of native habitat;
- restoration of native habitat and/or native species;
- educational activities on the value of native habitats and the species that inhabit them.
Our priority is native prairie grasslands in Manitoba, and the native species that inhabit them. Projects or activities involving other types of native habitat, such as forests, riparian areas, wetlands and tundra, will also be considered.
Funding may be used for hiring, training and support personnel to carry out the activities but may not be used for ongoing administrative costs. It is expected that Native Habitat Grant funding will be supplemented by funding from other granting agencies and/or in-kind contributions by the applicant.
Native Habitat Grant funding will be provided to successful applicants in April and must be used within one year (April 1 to March 31). Grant recipients will be required to submit a report at the end of the grant year (March 31) detailing how the Native Habitat Grant funds were used and how these funds contributed to the aims of the project. A completion and reporting extension may be possible, in extenuating circumstances, with the approval of Nature Manitoba.
Native Habitat Grant recipients will be required to provide Nature Manitoba with copies of any publications, photos, videos, presentations, digital or printed media on the project. Recipients will also have an opportunity to write an article for the Nature Manitoba e-newsletter or make a presentation to the membership, where appropriate.
Successful applicants will be required to acknowledge the funding contribution of Nature Manitoba in any publication, report, presentation or other media resulting from the use of this grant.
The Native Habitat Grant will be available to Manitobans or other qualified individuals, landowners, researchers or agencies working in Manitoba. This includes colleges, universities, non-governmental organizations, community groups, municipal, provincial, federal and/or international agencies.
Applicants must email a PDF file to Nature Manitoba (nativehabitatgrant@naturemanitoba.ca) no later than midnight, January 31, to be considered for funding in that year, containing the following information:
- Project title
- Name, address, email and phone number of Applicant;
- If the Applicant is an organization or government agency, the project leader's name and contact information for the project leader should be included.
- Background information about the Applicant relevant to the project, including qualifications, related experience and activities;
- A CV and references can also be attached; for organizations or government agencies, include a brief history and mandate, and/or a recent annual report.
- Detailed description of project, including overall goals, specific objectives, and activities.
- Timeline for completion, including dates for deliverables and/or measurable results.
- Overall Project Budget, including other potential and confirmed sources of funding, in-kind. contributions, and details of how the Native Habitat Grant funding will contribute to the project.
- How the results of the project/activities will be shared or disseminated, including how Nature Manitoba will be acknowledged.
Nature Manitoba Native Habitat Grant - November 15, 2024