People passionate about nature

Garden Tour Volunteers Needed

We are looking for a few last-minute volunteers to help out on the day of our Gardens of Distinction Garden Tour, July 9th, 2022. 

We are hoping to have a team of two volunteers at each garden. As a volunteer on the day of the tour, your responsibilities would be:

1. Arrive at designated garden prior to 9am.

2. Check that everybody participating has their ticket to enter into the garden.

3. Remind people to socially distance, ensure that your gardens don’t get overcrowded.

4. Keep count of how many visitors have come to see that garden. 

5. Bring their own lunch/water bottle. 

If you're interested in helping out with the tour please contact Tim at 204-295-4442 (call/text) or email at

Learn more about the 2022 Gardens of Distinction Garden Tour and plant sale here.