People passionate about nature

Nature Manitoba Native Habitat Grant

Native Tall Grass Prairie Habitat - Marilyn Latta

The new Nature Manitoba Native Habitat Grant will be available to individuals or organizations who are conserving, restoring or managing native habitat in Manitoba, or who are educating others about the value of maintaining Manitoba’s native habitats. 

Nature Manitoba’s Habitat Conservation Committee has spearheaded development of the grant, as a way to recognize and support the work being done to conserve native habitat in Manitoba. This builds on the many years of work done by Nature Manitoba to identify and preserve native tall grass prairie. 

Funding will come from the Paul Guyot Endowment Fund.  While the fund originally was established to support the preservation and management of tall grass prairie, projects involving other critical Manitoba habitats will also be considered.

The deadline to apply for the grant is January 31 of each year.  Click on the link below to find out how to apply, what to include in an application, and who to contact for more information.

Nature Manitoba Native Habitat Grant details