Dr. Richard Baydack (Professor, Dept. of Environment and Geography, University of Manitoba)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Start Time:
7:30 pm
Franco-Manitoban Cultural Centre, 340 Provencher Blvd on second floor - Salle Antoine-Gaborieau.
$2 for members and $3 for non-members.
NOTE: Wednesday not Monday!
A Grassland Conservation Plan for Prairie Grouse in North America, coordinated by the North American Grouse Partnership, was recently developed. The goals of the Plan are to enhance, conserve, and restore grassland ecosystems to benefit prairie grouse and other grassland species. The Plan uses an ecosystem diversity approach to compare historical grassland conditions to the current situation. Priority areas for grassland conservation are then selected to benefit each prairie grouse species. The Plan identifies a goal of conserving or restoring 65 million acres of grasslands for prairie grouse, along with strategies for