Outdoor Activities:
Event Date:
Contact / Registration:
Kevin & Anita Miller -- register at k.a.miller@mts.net . 9 people have registered as of February 5.
Location/Time: Meet at the Oak Bluff Petro Canada, located at 4900 McGillivray Blvd at 9:15 AM to form carpools. Leave at 9:30 to arrive at Burwalde Woods at 10:30. Burwalde Woods is located between Winkler and Morden, 5 km north of the Boundary Trails Health Centre. Leave Burwalde Woods for home between 2:00 and 2:30 so we are back in Winnipeg before rush hour really gets going.
Description: We will be hosted by Phil & Vera Froese, Grey Hares members and Burwalde Woods land owners / trail groomers.
Info about Burwalde Woods (including a 2025 trails map)
5K of easy trails are located in forest adjacent to the main trailhead / parking lot. When skiing these trails, you are always less than 1.2K from the trailhead.
Another easy 1K trail is located on the creek beside the clubhouse.
The outstanding Creek Trail is 5K out + 5K back from the main trailhead / parking lot. It is a moderate ski trail that crosses the creek several times.
Vera will be leading the main group of skiers.
Lunch: In the clubhouse (AKA Nordic Centre).
Bring: Your name tag, lunch, cash for the donation box and to buy honey, if you wish.