We will meet at Assiniboine Conservatory Parking Lot around 5:30
pm and would make our leave at 6:00 pm East down Assiniboine Park
Drive until we reach the Assiniboine River Trails, and then we
will ride West along the the trail until we reach the end of the
trail above the Assiniboine Zoo.
We would then continue south on Assiniboine Park Drive until we
reach Assiniboine Forest until we reach the pond.
We will then circle the pond, and make our way thru some of the
trails until we reach Grant Ave, East side of the Assiniboine
Forest and the the West side of Tuxedo Golf Club.
Once we reach Roblin Blvd, we will ride down Zoo Dr. in the
Assiniboine Park, which would bring us back to the parking lot.
For more information you may Google the link below: