People passionate about nature

2021 AGM Notice

Virtual AGM at 7pm on Monday, March 22nd via Zoom

Save the date for our virtual AGM via Zoom on Monday, March 22nd, 2021. Below is more information on how to attend, our annual reports, AGM agenda, slate of nominees, proposed amendments to bylaws, and call for nominations and resolutions.


How to Attend our Virtual AGM

Our 2021 virtual AGM is a free event, however registration is required. We encourage you to register as soon as possible due to meeting size limitations, as well as to facilitate administration. During registration please let us know if you are a current member so we can confirm the number of members in attendance. 

Registration is simple!

Just click the link below and you will be taken to the registration page. You will be asked to enter your name, email address, and to confirm whether or not you are a current member of NM.

Click "register" and you should receive a confirmation email from Zoom indicating the registration was successful. That's it!

If you do not receive a confirmation email (remember to check spam and junk folders), or you have any difficulties with registration please email our office at

Click here to register for the virtual AGM.

Attending the AGM on March 22nd:

Once you've registered you will receive a confirmation email. The email will include:
The date and time of the meeting
A link to join the meeting 
A phone number and information on how to attend the meeting over the phone (for those without access to a computer).
You do not need to download Zoom to attend. The meeting can be accessed through your internet browser. However, you may chose to download the Zoom Client app on your mobile device, desktop or iPad (you can download it here).

At the time of the AGM simply select "click to join" in your confirmation email. You may be prompted to enter a passcode (also found in the email), then you will be able to enter the meeting.

If you have more questions or would like more info about the AGM or how to register/attend, please contact our offica at 204-943-9029 or


Annual Nature Manitoba Reports

Read the 2020 Annual Report here

Read the 2020 Financial Report here


Nature Manitoba 2021 Agenda

22 MARCH 2021  7:00 pm
[Via Zoom]

1. Welcome
2. Minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting March 2020 (cancelled)
3. Annual Report of the President
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Appointment of Auditors for 2021
6. Annual Reports of Committees
7. Resolutions
8. Election of Board Members
9. Election of Executive Members
10. Announcement  of Awards
11. Adjournment

12. Presentation: Migration in a COVID world: the effect of lockdowns on birds


Migration in a COVID world: the effect of lockdowns on birds

by Dr. Michael Schrimpf, a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Nicola Koper at the University of Manitoba 

About the presentation: By dramatically reducing human movement and activity, the COVID-19 pandemic may have indirectly impacted how migratory birds use landscapes around us. Come learn how a team of researchers from around the world used data collected by volunteer birders to discover how lockdowns affected birds. By studying wildlife during the pandemic, can we discover new ways to make human societies more wildlife friendly?


2021 Slate of Nominees

President: Sandy HayGlass
Executive VP: Don Himbeault
Vice President: James Whitelaw
Treasurer: Andre Laberge
Secretary: Katrina Froese
Past President: Jack Dubois

Directors for re-appointment:
Les McCann

Continuing Directors:
Alain Louer
Maria Mitousis
Lesley Andrews
Christian Arthuso
Marika Olynyk


Proposed Amendments to NM's Bylaws

Proposed Amendments to the Manitoba Naturalist Society Bylaws
Annual General Meeting March 2021

Whereas Manitoba Public Health regulations, brought about by Covid-19 prohibit indoor gatherings such as our traditional annual general meeting for the foreseeable future;
And whereas the Manitoba Naturalist Society (Nature Manitoba) bylaws currently make no provision for the holding of meetings and the attendance at meetings by electronic means or for the use of electronic or mail-in ballots:.
Therefore be it resolved that the current Manitoba Naturalist Society Bylaws, dated March 9, 2009 be amended as detailed in Schedule A below, such changes to take effect immediately following approval by a two-thirds majority of members present at the AGM.

1. Section 3 Definitions Add a new definition “Meeting – means a gathering of members, including the Board, committee members or general members that is held electronically or in person.”
2. Section 9.2 Special General Meetings After the last sentence add a new sentence: “The matter or question that the special general meeting was called to address shall be decided by:
a. Voting only at the special meeting of members if held in person; or
b. Voting by a combination of mail and/or electronic ballots and votes at a special meeting of members; or
c. Voting by mail and/or electronic ballot only for special meetings held electronically only
3. Section 9.5 Voting Privileges The last sentence shall be replaced by: “Voting at a meeting of members shall be by show of hands, or, in the case of an electronic meeting, voting shall also be permitted by electronic voting.
4. Section 10.4.3 Elections After the last sentence add a new sentence: “The directors shall adopt policies and procedures for conducting a vote by electronic and/or postal means, including methods of delivery by electronic or paper means and the processes for verifying votes received by electronic or mail-in means.”


Call for Nominations & Resolutions

1. Nomination of candidates for our Nature Manitoba awards. The list of awards available as well as award criteria can be found here. 

2. Potential candidates for the NM board of directors (there are two vacancies).

3. The submission of resolutions.

You can send your submissions to our office by email at

Please also note: the board intends to put forward a resolution to add to our bylaws provisions for holding meetings electronically.